Our Mission
The mission of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) is to assist in the establishment of a comprehensive transportation system to directly benefit the traveling public within the El Paso region through the development of additional transportation alternatives within the region.
The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas created in 2007 by act of the El Paso City Council. The CRRMA provides local leadership on transportation and helps address congestion problems by developing and building infrastructure to keep the El Paso region moving.
The CRRMA’s governing board consists of seven appointed members: the Chair is appointed by the Governor of Texas, while the remaining six members are appointed by the El Paso City Council. Per state legislation and by the governance of the board, the agency is accountable and subject to all state open government and open meetings requirements.
State legislation authorized the creation of Regional Mobility Authorities (RMA) in 2001 to give communities the flexibility to meet the challenge of funding their local transportation needs. The enabling legislation of RMAs allows the CRRMA to meet the challenge of funding mobility improvements through the study, evaluation, design, finance, acquisition, construction maintenance, repair and operation of transportation projects. Such projects could include, but are not limited to: highways, rail facilities, parking facilities, certain roadways, ferries and airports, pedestrian and bicycle paths, intermodal hubs, international crossings and mass transit systems. RMAs may also enter into contracts or operating agreements with other local, state and federal governmental bodies of the United States or Mexico.
In furtherance of a transportation project, the CRRMA may: issue bonds, enter into Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs), acquire or condemn property, seek funding from federal, state and local sources, and collect tolls and fares, as applicable. The CRRMA may also complete and operate transportation projects that extend into other counties and jurisdictions. For example, a project may be acquired, constructed, operated, maintained, expanded or extended into Cd. Juárez (e.g. a new international bridge) or the State of New Mexico; subject to certain restrictions.