Border West Expressway
Loop 375 Toll Lanes
As of October 3, 2019, the Border West Expressway, the area’s new toll road, opened to the public. The facility runs along Loop 375, roughly from east of downtown to Racetrack Drive on the westside. The project was developed as a partnership between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA).
The facility was opened in a toll deferral period. That means that there is currently no charge to use the roadway. The CRRMA is working with TxDOT on determining when to end the toll deferral period and to begin collecting tolls. Rest assured that when the time comes, we will issue plenty of media and press releases so that no one will be surprised by the tolls. You can also keep an eye on the signs posted before entering the roadway – they currently note the toll charges as $0.00 but will change when the tolls begin. So, please get out there and use the roadway – it’s a great way to get to and from downtown and the westside!