Americas Managed
Lanes Project
Loop 375 is a beltway around El Paso. The I-10/Loop 375 America’s Interchange is one of the major interchanges in El Paso County for traffic traveling north, east, south and west. The Americas Managed Lanes Project, originally identified within the 2008 Comprehensive Mobility Plan, intends to add capacity to the connection of I-10 with the César Chávez Managed Lanes Project through the construction of two lanes (one in each direction) in the center median of the existing four-lane divided, limited access facility.
Loop 375 is a beltway around El Paso. The I-10/Loop 375 America’s Interchange is one of the major interchanges in El Paso County for traffic traveling north, east, south and west. The Americas Managed Lanes Project, originally identified within the 2008 Comprehensive Mobility Plan, intends to add capacity to the connection of I-10 with the César Chávez Managed Lanes Project through the construction of two lanes (one in each direction) in the center median of the existing four-lane divided, limited access facility.
This will also include new frontage roads to be constructed in both directions between SH 20 (Alameda Avenue) and FM 76 (North Loop Drive), where none currently exist. These new one-way frontage roads will have a 5-foot-wide sidewalk, a 14-foot-wide shared bike lane, one 12-foot-wide lane, and one 12-foot-wide auxiliary lane for mainlane traffic to enter and exit.
In addition, the project will widen the existing grade-separated structures at major arterial crossings, including Zaragoza Road, South Americas Avenue, Pan American Drive, Socorro Road, Alameda Avenue, the UPRR crossing, and North Loop Drive. The project will also include ramp reversals south of I-10 between Zaragoza Road and FM 76 (North Loop Drive). The existing bridge structures north of I-10 will be able to accommodate the additional travel lanes; therefore, no new structures are proposed in that portion of the project. All of the proposed improvements will occur within existing TxDOT right-of-way. However, the addition of managed lanes and construction of new frontage roads will require the placement of columns within the existing UPRR and Middle Drain canal rights-of-way.
Project limits, funding, and design are still under evaluation. Field work and preliminary data collection are complete. The 90% schematic plans have been completed. However, retention ponds to mitigate additional drainage are being incorporated into the plans and will additional environmental work. A public meeting is anticipated to occur in early 2017.
Schematic 01 (07.18.13 - Public Mtg)
Schematic 02 (07.18.13 - Public Mtg)
Schematic 03 (07.18.13 - Public Mtg)
Schematic 04 (07.18.13 - Public Mtg)
Schematic 05 (07.18.13 - Public Mtg)