A meeting of the CRRMA Board will be held on Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 8:00 AM in the City Council Chambers of El Paso City Hall.
Call to Order.
Public Comments.
Adoption of Minutes for the CRRMA Board meeting of June 13, 2012.
Update and presentation from the Americas Gateway Builders on the Loop 375 at I-10 (Americas Interchange) Project.
Presentation by the Texas Transportation Institute on the Assessment of Municipal and County Transportation Reinvestment Zones within El Paso County.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the potential implementation of transportation reinvestment zones and the design and construction of various transportation projects with any or all of the following: the County of El Paso, the Town of Horizon City and the City of Socorro.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of El Paso and Geltmore Aldea, LLC, regarding the proposed development of an overpass, frontage roads and related improvements in the vicinity of Interstate 10, Mesa Street and Executive Center Boulevard.
Presentation, discussion and action on the potential appointment of the CRRMA to the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Transportation Project Advisory Committee (TPAC).
Update, discussion and action on the following CRRMA procurements:
Selection of a systems integrator for the Loop 375 César Chávez Border Highway Managed Lanes Project;
Selection of a firm to provide the environmental and preliminary engineering necessary for the Loop 375 Americas Avenue Managed Lanes Project; and
Selection process for supplementing the CRRMA’s General Engineering Consultant team.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution approving the Executive Director’s Annual Performance Evaluation, authorizing the CRRMA Chair to communicate the results of the Evaluation to the City of El Paso and to take other actions as necessary.
The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Board may retire into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 - 551.088 to discuss any of the following: (The items listed below are matters of the sort routinely discussed in Executive Session, but the Board may move to Executive Session to discuss any of the items on this agenda, consistent with the terms of the Open Meetings Act, as amended.)
Notes: Sign Language interpreters will be provided for this meeting upon receipt of a prior request. Requests must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Copies of this Notice/Agenda may also be provided in Braille, large print, or audiotape upon request. Any such request must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Interested persons may speak on any of the agenda items provided they have signed up to do so prior to the consideration of that item by the CRRMA Board. The Chair may limit the amount of time permitted for each speaker.
Public comment that does not relate to a specific agenda item must be made during the Public Comment agenda item. The public comment period will not exceed thirty (30) minutes and is intended to receive comments from the public on items that relate to the jurisdiction of the CRRMA Board. Each speaker is permitted up to three (3) minutes, but must be signed up to speak prior to the Public Comment agenda item. For topics that are not posted to this agenda, Board members may only provide factual statements of policy, direct the item to staff or place the item on a future agenda. No action may be taken on items that are not posted on this agenda.