A meeting of the CRRMA Board will be held on Wednesday April 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM in the City Council Chambers of El Paso City Hall, located at 300 N. Campbell, El Paso Texas 79901.
Call to Order
Public Comments.
Adoption of Minutes for the CRRMA Board meeting of March 8, 2017. Attachment
Update on the CRRMA’s issuance of Subordinate Lien Vehicle Registration Fee Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 for the 2013 El Paso County Comprehensive Mobility Plan. Attachment
Consider and take appropriate action with respect to the defeasance of approximately $3,000,000 of Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Pass-Through Toll Transportation Revenue Bonds (State Spur 601), Series 2008. Attachment
Presentation, discussion and action on the FY2016 Annual Audit, as presented to the CRRMA Finance Committee. Attachment
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute and submit a required annual compliance report to TxDOT. Attachment
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution to authorize the Executive Director to execute a service agreement with the El Paso Electric Company for the El Paso Streetcar Project for a new Power Substation at 601 S. Santa Fe Street. Attachment
Presentation, discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the following change orders to the Construction Contract with Paso del Norte Trackworks, as they relate to the El Paso Streetcar Project:
a. Change Order No. 11 – unforeseen conditions related to conduit and irrigation repairs and parking rentals related to Father Rahm construction; Attachment
b. Change Order No. 12 – issues related to the Maintenance and Storage Facility fire suppression system and with rail troughs on the Santa Fe bridge; and Attachment
c. Change Order No. 13 – water connections (service and fire lines) for the Maintenance and Storage Facility. Attachment
Discussion and action on Board Resolutions authorizing the Executive Director to execute the following instruments, related to the Loop 375 (Americas Avenue) Project:
Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Engineering and Environmental Services with Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.; Attachment
Work Authorization No. 16.1 with Atkins North America, Inc. as the CRRMA’s general engineering consultant, for additional oversight services necessary for the completion of preliminary engineering and environmental services; and Attachment
Work Authorization No. 30 with Atkins North America, Inc. for oversight services necessary for the completion of final design documents. Attachment
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute Work Authorization No. 20.3 with Atkins North America, Inc. as the CRRMA’s general engineering consultant, for the provision of various toll operations services in FY17 for the César Chávez Express Toll Lanes. Attachment
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution directing the Executive Director to work with the Texas Department of Transportation on options available to develop the Northeast Parkway Project. Attachment
Presentation and discussion on the following performance reports, for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017:
El Paso Bike Share (SunCycle) Program; Attachment
César Chávez Express Toll Lanes; and Attachment
General Engineering Consultant Team’s use of local resources. Attachment
The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Board may retire into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 - 551.088 to discuss any of the following: (The items listed below are matters of the sort routinely discussed in Executive Session, but the Board may move to Executive Session to discuss any of the items on this agenda, consistent with the terms of the Open Meetings Act, as amended.)
Notes: Sign Language interpreters will be provided for this meeting upon receipt of a prior request. Requests must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Copies of this Notice/Agenda may also be provided in Braille, large print, or audiotape upon request. Any such request must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.