A meeting of the CRRMA Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 9:00am in the 2nd Floor Main Conference Room of El Paso City Hall, located at 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, Texas 79901. This meeting will also be live streamed from www.crrma.org.
One or more members of the Board and staff may participate in this meeting through a telephone conference call, as authorized by Section 370.262, Texas Transportation Code. Under that law, each part of the telephone conference call meeting that by law must be open to the public shall be audible to the public at the meeting location. During the meeting, the identification of each party shall be clearly stated prior to speaking and the meeting shall be documented by written minutes. On conclusion of the meeting, the written minutes of the meeting will be made available to the public.
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Public Comments.
Adoption of Minutes for the CRRMA Board meeting of November 13, 2024.
Presentation and overview of the new entity known as the El Paso Transportation Authority (ETA) by the ETA.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Respect to Transportation Reinvestment Zone Number Three with the City of El Paso, as it relates to the Borderland Expressway Project.
Discussion and action on Board Resolutions authorizing the execution of Advance Funding Agreements with the Texas Department of Transportation for the following construction projects:
(a) Rodman Street Shared Use Path; and
(b) John Hayes Street Extension, Phase 2.
Discussion and action on Board Resolutions authorizing the execution of amendments to the following instruments for the Tornillo Guadalupe Port of Entry Study Project:
(a) Interlocal Agreement with El Paso County; and
(b) Work Authorization No. 65 with AtkinsRéalis USA Inc.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution adopting an updated Policy Statement and updated Assurances, as well as identifying a Coordinator for the CRRMA’s Title VI Program.
Discussion and action on a Motion to authorize the Executive Director to make budget transfers and take other actions as necessary for the updating of the CRRMA website.
Staff Reports:
(a) Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Audit;
(b) Quarterly Newsletter Update; and
(c) Annual Project Report (2024) – January Board Meeting.
Discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing the execution and submittal of documentation of eminent domain authority to the Texas Comptroller, as required.
Presentation and discussion on change orders recently approved by the Executive Director for the John Hayes Street Extension, Phase 1 and Fabens Sidewalks Projects.
Quarterly presentation, update, and discussion on the following programs or projects:
(a) Borderland Expressway Project; and
(b) 2013 El Paso County Comprehensive Mobility Plan.
Status update on the Pellicano Drive Widening Project and discussion and action on a Board Resolution authorizing execution of an amendment to Work Authorization No. 27.8 with AtkinsRéalis USA Inc.
The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Board may retire into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 - 551.091 to discuss any of the following: (The items listed below are matters of the sort routinely discussed in Executive Session, but the Board may move to Executive Session to discuss any of the items on this agenda, consistent with the terms of the Open Meetings Act, as amended.)
Notes: Sign Language interpreters will be provided for this meeting upon receipt of a prior request. Requests must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Copies of this Notice/Agenda may also be provided in Braille, large print, or audiotape upon request. Any such request must be made to the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Interested persons may speak on any of the agenda items provided they have signed up to do so prior to the consideration of that item by the CRRMA Board. The Chair may limit the amount of time permitted for each speaker.
Public comment that does not relate to a specific agenda item must be made during the Public Comment agenda item. The public comment period will not exceed thirty (30) minutes and is intended to receive comments from the public on items that relate to the jurisdiction of the CRRMA Board. Each speaker is permitted up to three (3) minutes but must be signed up to speak prior to the Public Comment agenda item. For topics that are not posted to this agenda, Board members may only provide factual statements of policy, direct the item to staff or place the item on a future agenda. No action may be taken on items that are not posted on this agenda.