A meeting of the Finance Committee of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) will be held on Tuesday April 6, 2021 at 9:00 am.
Pursuant to the suspension of certain open meetings laws by Governor Greg Abbott, this meeting will be held by video and telephone conference in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some staff and Board Members may be present in the CRRMA offices while others may attend via video or telephone conference. In order to maintain safe social distancing, members of the public will not be permitted to attend in person. Instead, you may view and listen to the meeting through the video conference information below or you may listen to the meeting using the telephone conference information below.
Video Conference*:
Telephone Conference*:
*NOTE: Please use either the video or telephone options, but not both simultaneously, in order to reduce the possibility of feedback or other audio issues during the meeting.
Call to Order.
Approval of the CRRMA Finance Committee meeting minutes of January 6, 2021.
Discussion and update on the CRRMA’s State Infrastructure Bank Loan application related to the I-10 Widening Project.
Presentation, discussion, and action on the following performance reports for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021:
a. Interim Financial Statement
b. Investment Report
c. El Paso Bike Share (SunCycle) Report
Presentation, discussion, and action on the financial sustainability of the SunCycle Bike Share Program.
The Finance Committee of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Board may retire into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 - 551.088 to discuss any of the following (The items listed below are matters of the sort routinely discussed in Executive Session, but the Committee may move to Executive Session to discuss any of the items on this agenda, consistent with the terms of the Open Meetings Act, as amended.):
Notes: This is a meeting of a committee of the CRRMA. The Committee ordinarily consists three CRRMA members for purposes of establishing a quorum and the voting membership on the Committee. However, any other member of the CRRMA may, on an ad hoc basis, join the meeting and participate in the discussions.
Sign language interpreters will be provided for this meeting upon receipt of a prior request. Requests must be made to the CRRMA a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Copies of this Notice/Agenda may also be provided in Braille, large print, or audiotape upon request. Any such request must be made to the CRRMA a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.