A meeting of the Finance Committee of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) will be held August 7, 2023 at 9:30am in the Muir Conference Room of El Paso City 3 Building located at 801 Texas Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901.
Call to Order, Member Roll Call, and Public Comments.
Approval of the CRRMA Finance Committee meeting minutes of July 10, 2023.
Discussion and action on engagement letters with:
a. Gibson Ruddock Patterson, LLC for the Fiscal Year 2023 annual audit;
b. Peña Briones McDaniel, & Co. for the provision of: (i) general certified public accountant services; and (ii) Vehicle Registration Fee program audit services.
Discussion and action on an update to the CRRMA’s Investment Policy, designation of the Investment Officers, and authorization of training for such Investment Officers.
Update and discussion the City of El Paso’s Transportation Reinvestment Zone No. 2 and associated State Infrastructure Bank loans.
Presentation, discussion and action on a procurement process for the selection of a pool for underwriting services.
Presentation, discussion, and action on the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget.
The Finance Committee of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Board may retire into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 - 551.088 to discuss any of the following (The items listed below are matters of the sort routinely discussed in Executive Session, but the Committee may move to Executive Session to discuss any of the items on this agenda, consistent with the terms of the Open Meetings Act, as amended.):
Notes: This is a meeting of a committee of the CRRMA. The Committee ordinarily consists three CRRMA members for purposes of establishing a quorum and the voting membership on the Committee. However, any other member of the CRRMA may, on an ad hoc basis, join the meeting and participate in the discussions.
Sign language interpreters will be provided for this meeting upon receipt of a prior request. Requests must be made to the CRRMA a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.
Copies of this Notice/Agenda may also be provided in Braille, large print, or audiotape upon request. Any such request must be made to the CRRMA a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the meeting.